
SamayLa: 'Samay' = Time; 'La' = Get

For moments, people, experiences, things.



SamayLa, Hindi for ‘Get time’ is a work management solution designed to help you to not only get things done, but done on time.

Choosing the right technology for your business: A one stop guide!

To run a business efficiently, it has become essential for firms to make use of a technological software that helps in smoothening the various work processes and simplifies tasks. This has given rise to the coming forth of work management, project management, HR work management etc. software in the market.

With an abundance of such applications out there, companies need to analyse which software best fits their needs, not just according to their current work requirements but also keeping in mind their vision for growth.

Here is a list of things which when kept in mind while selecting a technological tool helps make a choice most suitable for the organization:.

  • Inspection of the business requirements:Blog 12.09Artboard 7

It is critical for companies to make a note of the various activities that it carries out. According to the daily tasks that it works upon, the company needs to find out the software which best blends with these tasks.

This also involves the already existing technological solutions in place for various sectors like finance, user traffic tracking etc. Here, it becomes essential for them to inspect which is becoming obsolete with respect to the changing needs of a specific sector.

Say, if a firm is having an issue of workers not completing their assigned tasks on time, it’ll try incorporating a work management system that helps keep the employees keep a daily tab of the work assigned to them along with frequent reminders as the due date approaches.

  • Ensuring the software’s understandability amongst employees:Blog 12.09Artboard 8

A company purchasing tools offering the most vivid of the features becomes useless if it is too complex for the workers to use.

Sophistication in a commodity is a boon only when it is utilized to the full extent. This gives rise to a pressing need to conduct surveys to analyse the mindset of every employee and then decide on which of the tools available in the market can easily fit through in the company’s daily activities.

Because eventually, it is the staff which will decide how impactive the software turns out to be for the firm’s growth.

  • A software which when crashed could be easily replaced:Blog 12.09Artboard 9

Depending on a management tool which cannot be substituted with another one if it becomes troublesome isn’t a smart move. Many management tools involve uploading data being worked upon while performing tasks.

In such a situation, if say, the website hosting the management tool crashes, there should be a backup software to transfer the data to. This helps to not lose out on the progress and start from scratch.

Also, talking about work management tools, we at Samayla ensure fixing of bugs that might creep up in our pursuit of adding more features to enhance customer experience. For companies offering such softwares, this can only be done by having a strong team of testers who can easily identify any troubles arising for the customers.

  • Experiencing trial versions before showing belief:Blog 12.09Artboard 10

Many technological tools offer a trial version with either some of the most basic features, or the entire software but for a limited period of time. This is done to generate confidence within the buyers before they shell out money to purchase it.

Despite however sure one might be regarding the ideality of a software for their organization, it is a good practice to try out the sample version before giving into it.

This can in fact act like a learning process for the employees before they get onto utilizing the software in their daily tasks.

  • Looking at the bigger picture:Blog 12.09Artboard 10 copy

When a startup is in the process of being established, the initial activity involved is that of planning out a business model. Many work management software tools only offer solutions for this step.

But, for an entrepreneur, this is just the beginning of the journey to become a biggie in the market. So, he/she should be able to think ahead of time and choose a software that does not become outdated when a business model is made, and the next sequence of steps are undertaken.

Having a vision is important but identifying tools which can support in this journey is equally important.

A high number of unique business ideas are coming up in the market. Here, purchasing technological tools which help save time so that the company members can focus on other tasks like strategizing out marketing plans, is turning out be to be a distinguishing factor between merely profitable and highly successful companies.




Making employees intrapreneurs: How & Why!

Yes, you read it right! Intrapreneurs, not entrepreneurs! Let me break it down for you.  

An intrapreneur is someone who thinks like an entrepreneur but is an employee within an organization. They get that steady paycheck, but they want to bring ideas to the surface. Intrapreneurs are entrepreneurial thinkers who drive organizational change and are motivated by creation.

Also, it’s not so much about looking for intrapreneurs on hiring websites, than it is about finding them in your own organization. They are there already, waiting for their potential to be discovered.  So, how do you discover this hidden treasure in your organization? And, once, you do, what do you do with them? Let’s figure out!

  • Breaking the hierarchyBlog 11.09Artboard 2

This is an important factor when looking for intrapreneurs within the company. When your employee has certain ideas but can’t share them with the person responsible, the idea just flies off elsewhere.

The reason behind this is the Ladder like hierarchy present. So, by the time the idea reaches you, it has been modified or perhaps spoiled.

The solution to this one would be to organize brainstorming sessions where everyone has an equal say and can be heard without interruption. So, the idea goes straight to your ears. Even if the size of your organization is a big one, this can be performed department wise, offline and online, using a suitable management software.

  • Sharing the EquityBlog 11.09Artboard 3

Given that you and some of your employees, capable of becoming intrapreneurs, have an equal (or slightly less) share in the company, your headache will be divided between them.

The ‘constant strive to stay on top’ kind of headache or the ‘earning more revenue’ kind of headache. Their empathy will increase and so will their performance as their money is also on stake. A very simple yet efficient strategy!

  • Making RISK taking okayBlog 11.09Artboard 4

Giving power to your employees comes with a certain amount of risk obviously. The newly made intrapreneur will ofcourse be at the receiving end of that risk and will need ounces of support from your side.

First of all, when you are cautious selecting an intrapreneur, possibility of a huge loss will be bare minimum or not at all. But whatever amount of risk that is involved would have to be backed by your motivation to the employee. They are learning too in the process and hence, need a strong leader like figure to rely upon.

As said by Steve Jobs,

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.”

The risk cannot be negated. Although, to minimize this risk in terms of money, some companies keep a separate fund for such kind of experimental activities. A separate pot for the ‘adventurous’ lot!

  • Questioning at every stepBlog 11.09Artboard 5

“It comes from saying no to 1000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much”

-Again, Steve Jobs.

As the saying suggests, you always have to keep questioning whatever idea comes to your table, until it vanishes. If even one of those ideas stays at the last point of the interrogation, that one is your answer!

The most important questions you absolutely need to put down in front of your intrapreneur, apart from others, include,

  • How would you explain your idea to a kindergartner? (To make the idea simpler)
  • What is the kind of fit(benefit) it has to our organization? (small, medium or large)
  • What will it result in after a period of 6 months? (or perhaps, a year)

If any of these is not answered correctly, you can brush the idea off their mind and yours. But if all three are correctly answered, then you will have to take your chances with it.

Concluding further, intrapreneurship is an attitude and not a department. Choose the stakeholder wisely!


Busting myths about SAAS!

Over the years, factors like requirement of the internet and data not being accessible simply through folders of hard disc’s directories, have contributed in the emergence of myths, a majority of which tend to downplay SAAS as a software capable for daily usage.

People are reluctant to change and in the technological world dominated by easily downloadable antivirus applications, SAAS has found troubles & myths in its growth. 

Here are some of those that have been quintessential in giving people the perspective they have right now, about SAAS:

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  • Features not as advanced as those offered in SAAP:

Websites that have the maximum number of users on the internet are social media ones, like Facebook and Twitter. Hence, we as users start thinking of the web as a forum for light hearted content and staying connected with people. Serious tasks involving the corporate sector and other businesses do not really come into the picture.

This gives people a mindset that internet as a platform cannot provide enough sophistication to be useful as an entity to carry out company related work. Therefore, without completely exploring its features, we tend to conclude that it won’t be independently capable when used without support from a SAAP application.

  • Since data is on the cloud, it is less secure and safe:SAAS blogArtboard 3

The American writer Karen Cushman quoted, “Seems to me home is where I am loved and safe and needed.”

Following a similar construct, users feel comfortable having their files stored in their system’s hard drives which can be accessed without an internet connection. Having to keep files on the cloud makes users fear its privacy, and the probability of it getting lost if the SAAS application crashes.

This myth can be eradicated if customers realise that the probability of data getting lost is equally attached to files stored in local drives if the Windows or whichever platform is being used, corrupts.

Keeping aside the superstition of SAAS being unreliable for protecting data, there is a pressing need to rather prioritise the attributes attached to it and then take a call as to which out of SAAS and SAAP suits the needs of a specific user better.

  • SAAS doesn’t provide the option to customize features as required:

Large enterprises refrain from purchasing SAAS utilities since they assume that they wouldn’t be able to modify its functioning in accordance with their requirements.SAAS blogArtboard 4


So, unlike the freedom to switch off the option of daily scanning by offline antivirus softwares, customers tend to be of the view that SAAP would keep them restricted from customizing it’s features to what best fits their needs.

Here, it is necessary to dismiss these assumptions because along with the choice of customization, SAAS also offers the advantage that these customizations aren’t hampered when it undergoes an update, unlike SAAP.

  • The owners of my SAAS software can monitor every move of mine:SAAS blogArtboard 5

With the viral news of Facebook leaking its data, people fear being under the watch of certain organisations who could influence what’s visible to the users. Along with this, attaches the perception that users could be duped based on their daily activities over a specific SAAS software.

There is no denying that amidst these latest developments, especially that of Facebook, it requires customers to generate confidence within themselves before giving into a web software for managing their work.

But, this is the case where companies need to have a wise set of managers willing to research for a SAAS app’s reliability and purchasing it, thus having an edge over rivals scared to risk the idea of going for cloud computing.

  • SAAS technology is a replacement for a firm’s IT team:SAAS blogArtboard 6

Professionals of a company’s IT team are of the view that their role would be reduced to zilch with the incoming of a SAAS utility.

What’s essential to be understood is how rather than being an alternative to the IT team, SAAS is something that helps them devote more time to strategic planning and more complex tasks.

Considering how ‘Software as a Service’ is a domain that is being overshadowed by how the web world has shaped up till now, it would be a wise practice to show patience in the decision of finalizing whether to accept it or not.

AS Charles Darwin rightly said, “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”




Emotional Intelligence: A new metric for your organization’s success!

I will wait till you finish reading the lines above and then come to a realization.

Okay! So a few days back, my Boss shared this very interesting post. Now, this one really stuck  & got me thinking. Emotional intelligence is certainly more important than the IQ we build for ourselves since birth.

EQ (or emotional quotient) in simple words, is the heightened awareness of others’ emotions, including your own in case you were wondering.

And, no it’s not some rocket science we need to accomplish. It is simple math. Two plus two equals four. One taunt plus two egos equals a disastrous workplace.Blog 24.08Artboard 1

I am proud of the fact that at SamayLa, we are very close to becoming an emotionally intelligent workplace. So, how did we do it?

  • Always being open to Feedback

    Blog 24.08Artboard 2Nobody is perfect. On a daily basis, we all need improvements and feedback is the ladder to it. But, there is a certain way you provide those too.

Instead of saying, “This is not good at all” and making a straight face, you can mouth the words, “This was not good in all humbleness. Let’s see how you can make it better”.

The key to gaining something doable from feedback is being open to accepting as and when it comes. Feedback is a two-way street. When you give it to your peers, be ready to take it when it is your turn.

  • Listen to hear and not counter

“If you take out the team in teamwork, it’s just work! Now who wants that?”

Matthew Woodring Stover

Yes, we know you have hundreds of great ideas and you can’t wait to share them. But what if somebody else’s idea in the team is 10% better than yours.

The smallest mistake we all commit in our workplaces is to not listen carefully and then create misunderstandings. And even when we do, we listen only to counter to a discussion and convert it into an argument. No, arguments are not bad either, but it hinders the ideas somebody was sharing in the first place.Blog 24.08Artboard 3Hence, a very simple and great quality a workplace must have is ‘Let everyone be heard clearly & patiently’.

  • EQ test before IQ

Not everybody can judge somebody’s EQ in the first meet or a half an hour interview. So, for this one you would need to hire a good recruiter first.

If not, there are multiple tests available online that can atleast give you an idea of how the person might behave in a certain situation.Blog 24.08Artboard 4

Or you could put the person in an imaginary situation and then see how he/she reacts. The first step to building an emotionally intelligent workforce is to hire the correct kind of people. The kind of people that will gel together and not let the company go up into flames.

See, it’s not that difficult. The golden rule everybody needs to follow to build an Emotionally intelligent workplace is

Listen. Respond. Don’t React. Repeat

Choosing the right technology for your business: A one stop guide!

To run a business efficiently, it has become essential for firms to make use of a technological software that helps in the smooth functioning of various work processes and simplifies tasks. This has given rise to the coming forth of work management, project management, HR work management etc. kind of software in the market.

With an abundance of such applications out there, companies need to analyse which software best fits their needs, not just according to their current work requirements but also keeping in mind their vision for growth. 

Here is a list of things which when kept in mind while selecting a technological tool, helps make a choice most suitable for your organization.

  • Inspection of the business requirements:


blog 17.08Artboard 2xxxhdpiIt is critical for companies to make a note of the various activities that it carries out. According to the daily tasks that it works upon, the company needs to find out the software which best blends with these tasks.

This also involves the already existing technological solutions in place for various sectors like finance, user traffic tracking, management solutions etc. Here, it becomes essential for them to inspect which ones are becoming obsolete with respect to the changing needs of a specific sector.

Say, if a firm is having an issue of workers not completing their assigned tasks on time, it’ll try incorporating a work management system that helps keep the employees keep a daily tab of the work assigned to them along with frequent reminders as the due date approaches.

  • Ensuring the software’s understandability amongst employees:blog 17.08Artboard 3xxxhdpi

A company purchasing tools offering the most vivid features becomes useless if it is too complex for the workers to use.

Sophistication in a commodity is a boon only when it is utilized to the full extent. This gives rise to a pressing need for conducting surveys to analyse the mindset of every employee and then decide on which of the tools available in the market can easily fit in the company’s daily activities.

Eventually, it is the staff which will decide if the software turns out to be beneficial for the firm’s growth or not.

  • A software which when crashed could be easily replaced:blog 17.08Artboard 4xxxhdpi

Depending on a management tool which cannot be substituted with another one if it becomes troublesome isn’t a smart move. Many management tools involve uploading data being worked upon while performing tasks.

In such a situation, if say, the website hosting the management tool crashes, there should be a backup software to transfer the data to. This helps to not lose out on the progress and start from scratch.

  • Experiencing trial versions before showing belief:blog 17.08Artboard 5xxxhdpi

Many technological tools offer a trial version with either some of the most basic features, or the entire software, but for a limited period of time. This is done to generate confidence within the buyers before they shell out money to purchase it.

Despite, however sure one might be regarding the ideality of a software for their organization, it is  good practice to try out the sample version before giving into it.

This can in fact act like a learning process for the employees before they get onto utilizing the software in their daily tasks.

  • Looking at the bigger picture:blog 17.08Artboard 5 copyxxxhdpi

When a startup is in the process of being established, the initial activity involved is that of planning out a business model. Many work management software tools only offer solutions for this step.

But, for an entrepreneur, this is just the beginning of the journey to become a biggie in the market. So, he/she should be able to think ahead of time and choose a software that does not become outdated when a business model is made, and the next set of steps are undertaken.

Having a vision is important but identifying tools which can support in this journey is equally important.






Quotes by Shri Atal Bihari Vajapyee

On the occasion of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s demise, let’s recollect some of the beautiful quotes he has given out to the world in his Life journey.

“You can change friends but not neighbours.”

“We hope the world will act in the spirit of enlightened self-interest.”

“Global interdependence today means that economic disasters in developing countries could create a backlash on developed countries.”

“Our nuclear weapons are meant purely as a deterrent against nuclear adventure by an adversary.”

“No state should be allowed to profess partnership with the global coalition against terror, while continuing to aid, abet and sponsor terrorism.”

“The Bio-diversity Convention has not yielded any tangible benefits to the world’s poor.”

“In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere.”

“The reality is that international institutions like the UN can only be as effective as its members allow it to be.”

“The UN’s unique legitimacy flows from a universal perception that it pursues a larger purpose than the interests of one country or a small group of countries.”


Atal Bihari Vajpayee was one of the most loved Prime Ministers of India and an iconic leader and one of the founding members of the leading political party, ‘Bhartiya Janata Party’.
May his soul rest in peace.

Mentoring: Not such an easy game!

According to Forbes, People leave managers & not their companies most of the time.”

Seriously, where did we all go wrong?

One human leaving because of another human should not be the case when you want to run a successful company. Yes, all are humans first and mentors or protégés later. The very first thing to be understood.

Now, that we all agree we are equal in terms of being human, let’s get to the point. A ‘Mentor’ is a person who guides you to work to the best of your ability, gives constructive feedback to help you improve and has your back whenever needed, simple!

There are some very innate qualities a mentor already has or acquires along the way to become a good one. If you are a mentor, necessarily a bad one, let’s help you out.

  • Don’t give them wings and then pull them 16.08-02

Your mentee: Sir, I do not know what I am supposed to do now? Should I go with the deal or wait?

You: I am busy right now, please take your own call for this and other things too. Don’t disturb please.

Now, you have given your mentee the chance to take up his/her own decisions. If it turns out well, you would appreciate. But, if it does not, you better not be furious. Yes, if it comes out to be a big mistake, you could fire him/her (Just kidding!).

Big or small, any kind of consequences, you must be prepared for it or you should not let that person take his/her own call in the first place, if you do not find them capable enough. But once the leash is given, don’t try to hold it again.

I am not saying don’t give your feedback, but let it be a constructive one. Stop overreacting to things gone wrong. Everything is solvable to a good enough extent. But yes, leave the solution also to your mentee if they commit a blunder.

  • They are not your ‘Mini Me’blog 16.08-05

Your protégé might do certain or maybe all the things differently. It does not mean that they are not working hard enough. Why force them to work the way you do and diminish their creativity?

You are not building a replica of you, just their best version.

Assign the work, along with a deadline obviously, and then leave them alone. No buzzing or interfering unless they ask for help. How, when or where they do it should not be your concern. Don’t act as a substitute for their parents.

You come into the picture again when they submit the work. Then you can give your feedback, be firm and not shout, if the work is not good enough.

  • All business & no fun.

The worst thing you could do to your mentee is applying the rule: ‘All work & no play’. Why this dictatorship? You can get the work done without harming the sanity of your mentee.

Yes, sometimes there is a lot of pressure. That is understandable. But why boss around all the time & spoil your relationship with them. Go out or to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee or a meal. It would not be as tough, as you make it.

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If you show them that you are taking care and are concerned about their daily life and career, they too would give it back in ways multifold. Have some emotional quotient. C’mon!

  • Act like you know more than you do!

‘Oh no! that is incorrect.’

‘You are wrong in this context.’

‘Oh my! That is an unrealistic deadline!’

Let’s assume you hear one of these statements from your mentee. What is your first reaction?

Anger? Probably because you are trying to act like you know more that you actually did. Why the anti-humble behaviour? What’s wrong in learning from the people who learn from you daily.BlahArtboard 51x@Learning is a two-way street. I agree your mentee makes a ton of mistakes everyday but maybe your mentee is right in some aspect and he/she should be heard without interruption. Taking a feedback or a simple ‘No’ in some thing where you are actually not being reasonable is not causing any harm.

It will just make your mentee respect you more. If it is an unreasonable demand from their side, you better make them learn, otherwise just try to understand their point of view.

“Don’t take it personally.”

The biggest rule you’ve got to abide by when being a mentor or mentee!



A  client isn’t a co-worker you meet in your office on a daily basis. Neither is he the boss, you might be somewhat hesitant to freely talk to, but whose professional ideologies you’re aware of. A client is this somewhat unknown individual whose interest has to be generated towards what you’re showcasing to him. Winning over the confidence of this relatively new individual and making him believe in your idea is what defines a quality client presentation.

True to the challenge this scenario presents, a great presentation isn’t only about shelling out exuberant terminologies. The process of building a unique and convincing presentation starts the minute you type your company’s name on the presentation’s title . Let us divulge into the deep waters of some fundamental things, which aren’t paid proper heed to, but are quintessential in winning over a potential customer:

1)Research about your product as if you’re the client.BLog 09.07Artboard 2Despite being the individual with the most knowledge about the product we’re showcasing out there, we tend to fall short of answers to the clients. They’re inquisitive to get every information about our commodity before showing confidence to use it. And this inquisitiveness makes them clear their doubts, about every intricate detail of the product, big or small.

Thinking of every such aspect while making a presentation gives you a sense of belief. A belief, that rather than just being an employee present to clear queries that arise during the presentation, you’re the perfect human manual of the product you are endorsing. It also generates a confidence amongst the clients, that the company personnel, rather than just following the orders of his boss to preach about their product, is himself confident about the value of what he is selling.

2) The research work isn’t over yet. I’ve become the perfect product guide, what’s left now?BLog 09.07Artboard 3Researching about the client before the presentation is what defines a smart professional. Understanding the business ideas he is interested in, searching of his company’s working methodologies are some ways of ensuring you’re aware of the tastes of your client beforehand. This also helps in setting the flow of the presentations according to what will be easy to comprehend, as well as attractive to him.

This not only helps grasp the attention of the client but also makes him realize how much you’ve valued him while making the presentation. And, a feeling, that instead of just getting done with collaborating with any client, you have kept in mind their preferences specifically, increases their confidence to invest in you.

3) Made a mistake? Take it easy.BLog 09.07Artboard 4More often than not, we imagine our whole presentation beforehand, about how it’ll go. And on the stage, we try to pursue it in the same manner, scared to even pause for a second and look into the eyes of the audience. Any small issue during the presentation, be it the faulty projector or a small bug in our product during a test run, jolts us real hard.

Maintaining an interactive environment and realizing that mistakes can happen is needed surely. What’s more important is the smartness to get past them and bring back the presentation to its initial intensity by overcoming the glitch smoothly.

4) Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone 13.03 - 2Mesa de trabajo 1Remember that typical scenery we would draw in high school. Two mountains, a smiling sun, a house with a chimney and a river below. Drawing the necessary objects would be sufficient enough for people to say you’re not wrong. But, does, not being wrong imply that you are unique? How about drawing the reflection of the mountains in the sea?

In a similar construct, gone are the days when a Powerpoint presentation with animate texts flying into the screen could win over a client. Unique ideas like a video presentation to explain the usage of the product are taking over. With so many options out there, the client is bound to look for something different in an otherwise dull routine of coming across employees reading out texts from Powerpoint presentations. Think of ways in which you can showcase your idea which binds the interest of the client. Say, not being too informative and yet explaining to the fullest is a smart approach.

5)  What’s in it for you?BLog 09.07Artboard 6Client presentations are just the beginning of creating an impact over a potential customer. A handout or a small flier which exhibits the special features of the product are some things the client can fall back to for references. Rather than pouring out everything in the presentation, producing a means which can help the client understand the product more creates a sense of belonging with him. It could be something as simple as a user manual that glides them through all the characteristics they’d be able to use after purchasing the commodity or service.



Are you afraid of your BOSS! Yes or No?

Are you nodding your head?  Hey! It’s good that you ended up here. At least you are aware of your fears unlike most people. Now, this ‘bossophobia‘ is more common than you think.

Your subordinate who shows off his confidence in the cafeteria turns into a shrieking mouse when your boss gives him a call and probably, you do too.

We all do. It is nerve-wrecking at times.

The most common ways you deal with the same would include bashing your boss behind his/ her back, taking it out on your work or giving a resignation only to get into a firm where you will start the fear loophole again. This shows that it is not your boss, but it is you who needs to up their game. Let’s talk about some measures you can take to help you get going.

  • The biggest fear- ‘Getting Fired’blg 30.06Artboard 1Let me tell you, this will happen anyway if you keep neglecting your fear. Your boss does not want a fearful employee, does he?

The person who is above you in your company hierarchy was someday in the past in your shoes. He/ she knows how to deal with that fear and expects you to, if not the same, deal with it in an even better way.

A huge factor in this arena is not seeing things as they are and building negative future images.

“What will happen if I don’t complete this on time” or “What will happen if my boss does not approve my leave”

Even if you don’t complete the work on time (This is not valid if you were slacking off), you can apologize and ask for some more time which you surely might get. “I am sorry that the deadline was missed but I assure you that it will be completed by today. ”

Now, was that so hard? Your boss is also human, he/she will understand that you gave your best. And as far as the holiday is concerned, you will get it after your work is done!

  • Don’t take that rebuke personally.blg 30.06Artboard 3The motto is ‘Nothing said or done in an office is to be taken to your heart’.

    Just handle the scolding and get going towards improvement. There are two ways you can react. One, feel attacked and go home feeling sorry for yourself. Second (the one you should do), get to work, build something great and convert the anger to encouragement. It will take time & your effort, a whole lot of it. But in the process, you will lose that fear you have been carrying all this time.

You know, you cannot control how your boss reacts. But you can always control how you respond!

  • Keep those fists relaxed!blg 30.06Artboard 4The way you walk, the way you set foot in your manager’s room, sit in the chair with your arms or legs crossed or look in a certain way, it all shows what you’re feeling inside. 

Chances are your fear will be on display too when you will fiddle with that pen on the table unconsciously. The bitter truth is, everybody wants to look and feel confident, but nobody is ready to work for it. 

Fear also arises out of unfinished tasks. If you are not well prepared, you will shiver! Every time you keep your notes ready, your fear will shorten to another inch.

To overcome your fear, you might start bad mouthing too. It is human nature. Bashing your boss behind his/her back at the water cooler with some colleague would seem pleasing at the moment but will definitely lead to the fear creeping in that your boss might get to know about it someday.

Just to give a reminder, your boss deserves your respect. So, you better give the same to him/her. They didn’t reach to that position just by peeling onions. I agree that you may be highly proficient in your work but if you lack in emotional quotient, you are getting nowhere.

  • Get the words out on your own.blg 30.06Artboard 5You are so happy! No work was assigned to you today! Probably because your manager was busy in some other work.

But this happiness won’t last for long as he/she will come back and ask about what you did all day. The fear bells will again start ringing.

The precaution you can take is get up and ask yourself about what you are supposed to be doing today. Assign tasks to your own self. Ask your boss the best way you can help to achieve that ongoing deal. Most probably you are using some work management software in your office. Put it to good use and give daily reports to avoid any missing out on work. Proactive communication will help you in always keeping the door open. Now, your boss won’t send in for you. You will go and give him/ her an update.

Do you feel the fear already slipping away? I do too.

  • Find your own personal waysblg 30.06Artboard 6It is personal, but what I do when I am facing certain fears is write them down. I just take a pen & a paper (a diary probably; lots of fears) and write whatever comes to my mind. Maybe bash somebody on the sheet of paper. Who knows?  Let my negativity out!

You could try this one or find some new way on your own. The advantage I see in writing is you will never bash anybody and then be fearful about it if that person comes to know.

Also, you will never land up in your boss’s office bottled up with negativity. You will have a fresh perspective and maybe a solution even. Your boss wants a solution to every problem and that is why he/she hired you in the first place. Let’s not disappoint and perform as required.

Hope you let your fear out the next time you are called by your boss!


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